What is Non-invasive Prenatal Screening(NIPS) & What is it for?

Hello, and welcome to the latest from Genetics.ie, in which we provide some insight into the sphere of genetic testing in the clinical context. From our Blackrock Clinic base, our team provides a wide range of genetic testing services that provide patients with important information about their health. 

Today, we're here to talk about one particular service our team offers - non-invasive prenatal screening  (NIPS), explaining what it is and why it's performed. We'll start by taking a look at the definition of the term. 

What Is NIPS?

NIPS is used to detect abnormalities in the DNA of fetuses through the analysis of the pregnant woman's blood. This analysis addresses circulating DNA from the fetus present in every pregnant Mother. Testing is offered in order to identify genetic conditions like Down syndrome. These are screening tests, not diagnostic tests. Therefore, rather than diagnosing specific conditions, they highlight the likelihood of a condition existing. Often, these tests need to be supplemented by further diagnostic procedures.

While NIPS does not test for all birth disorders and chromosomal conditions, most are carried out to test for

  • Sex chromosome disorders 

  • Down syndrome (trisomy 21).

  • Trisomy 18.

  • Trisomy 13

NIPS is performed in order to determine the chances of a fetus having certain chromosomal disorders. It may be recommended to you if:

  • You already have a child affected by a chromosomal abnormality 

  • Ultrasound has identified your fetus may have an abnormality

  • Previous screening has suggested a possible problem

  • Age-related concerns are a source of anxiety

Testing can be carried out as early as 10 weeks into pregnancy through to delivery. Before this point, insufficient fetal DNA exists in the pregnant woman’s blood for detection.

Helping People Make Important Life Decisions

NIPT is just one type of genetic testing carried out by the Genetics.ie team under the supervision of highly-experienced geneticist Dr Willie Reardon. To find out more about our full range of testing services, visit us today at www.genetics.ie

Alternatively, to speak to us about your specific testing needs, call our clinic today on 087 4037149 and our experts will be happy to give you the help you need.


Genetic Disorders - The Basics


What is Trisomy 21 & how is it Diagnosed?