The Benefits of Genetic Testing for Neuromuscular Diseases
Neuromuscular diseases are known for affecting muscle function, resulting from issues with nerves and muscles, and the most common symptom is weakness. Affecting around 14m people around the world, neuromuscular diseases are often diagnosed through genetic testing.
In this article, we look at the benefits provided by genetic testing in relation to neuromuscular disorders, with the first being it allows more patients to get a definitive diagnosis. This provides closure, as well as advice on progression, prognosis and treatment.

Inherited Neuromuscular Diseases & How Genetic Testing Helps
While not all neuromuscular diseases can be described as genetic disorders, many
are genetically determined. As such, genetic disorders are caused by gene variants, which are sometimes inherited from your parents. Each person has around 23,000 different genes, and genetic mutations within these genes are often the cause of genetic disease, even in the absence of a family history of the disorder.